A pool in Kingfisher Creek on the Haig-Brown property in Campbell River
I have had some great luck with weather since arriving here in Campbell River to work on this new book. I take an hour or two each Sunday to walk the beach and look for birds, and the last three Sundays have been warm and sunny. Here are a few of the birds I've been able to photograph (there were lots more I couldn't get a shot of:
This flock of mostly male Surf Scoters was near the shore at dusk where the Oyster River runs into the sea.
Lots of cormorants here--I have seen Double-Crested and Pelagic. This Double-crested looked like he was surfing on a piece of flotsam just below the surface.
Harlequin ducks are easy to find in the bays right in town.
I've seen all three merganser species here, but Commons are most abundant of the three:
I had some fun following a couple of Black Oystercatchers around a rocky beach along the sea walk in Campbell River.
These little Northwestern Crows here are real characters--always on the waterfront looking for a meal. It is actually a separate species from the American Crow.
One of the best parts about being here in the Pacific Northwest is to see all of the Great Blue Herons--they seem to still be in good numbers in this part of the world. This one was near the outlet of the Oyster River at the end of the day.
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