Tuesday, August 21, 2012

News Coverage on the Sask. Grasslands being sold

photo by the amazing Hamilton Greenwood
 Thanks to people reading this space, the story of the provincial government selling the pastures is getting some coverage. Paul Hanley wrote a column today in the Stoon Star-Phoenix and and yesterday Bruce Johnstone wrote one for the Regina Leader-Post--both quoting from recent posts here on Grass Notes.

These grasslands are one of Canada's best models of the economy and environment working well together under the public oversight of government agencies. This kind of success in maintaining the public commons for the good of all does not come along very often in this world. We must not let it be squandered for a few dollars to be added to the Saskatchewan Party's efforts to balance the books in the face of sliding oil and potash revenues.

These 60 remnants of native grassland in Saskatchewan, as maintained under federal management for decades, are widely believed to be among the most important, well-managed chunks of native prairie on the continent. To sell them off, even with conservation easement and to the most well-intentioned of private owners, would effectively remove any possibility of continuing the level of ecosystem management that has made them into jewels of conservation and agricultural sustainability.

Because the grasslands are provincial Crown land, Stephen Harper may be able to wash his hands of any responsibility for them and the more than 31 species at risk they support, but as of today the 720,000 hectares in Saskatchewan still belong to the people--to you and me and our descendants.

Let's do everything we can to keep it that way.

How? For starters, we can fill Provincial Ag minister, Lyle Stewart's in-basket and email:


P: (306)-787-4300

F: (306)-798-3216

2405 Legislative Drive, Regina, SK, S4S 0B3

another image by Hamilton Greenwood

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