Tuesday, April 16, 2013

History and Drama of a Prairie Commons--great pastures article in CCPA newsletter

Public Pastures-Public Interest board members, Dr. Josef Schmutz, a conservation biologist at the University of Saskatchewan and Dr. Katherine Arbuthnot, a conservation psychologist at the University of Regina, teamed up to write an authoritative review of the history of the PFRA, looking at the multiple benefits of the community pastures, and presenting an alternate strategy to management that is emerging among concerned Saskatchewan citizens. It was published online this week on the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives website.

Here is a brief excerpt:
"The crux of the issue is that the PFRA pastures do 
more  for  us  than  produce  cattle.  The  current 
professional  management  program  coordinates 
multiple  functions  and  benefits.  Pasture 
managers  enable  sustainable  grazing  on 
endangered  ecosystems,  while  tending  the 
sometimes  conflicting  habitat  requirements  of 
many  species  at  risk.  The  pay‐off  for  such 
management  includes  soil  conservation,  water 
conservation,  and  carbon  sequestration,  in 
addition to the economic value of the cattle. The 
wise option would be to retain this expertise that 
has been developed over nearly 80 years, but it is 
unlikely that pasture patrons could afford to pay 
for this on their own. Nor should they."
Do read the entire article. Meanwhile, if you are in Regina and want to help out the cause, come to our Ken Hamm house concert this Friday, April 19. Only $20. Ken is giving all of the proceeds to PPPI in our efforts to ensure the pastures receive the protection and conservation management they deserve. There are a handful of tickets left so if you want one email kherriot@sasktel.net.

Master blues guitarist Ken Hamm will be playing at a PPPI benefit house concert this Friday in Regina

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