Saturday, April 6, 2013

PFRA pastures make the Focus Section of today's Globe & Mail

Canadian archives photo in today's Globe & Mail feature on the PFRA pastures
Take a look at this morning's Globe & Mail if you get a chance. The weekend Focus section contains two pieces I wrote for them recently on the community pastures controversy, one of which made it to the online edition. But the paper edition includes some of the most important stuff about the loss of the PFRA managers. It is based on an interview with the inimitable Mert Taylor (pasture manager at Bigstick PFRA), who I have written about in this space.

Here is the online photo gallery, which includes this terrific shot of Mert, taken by Jon Bowie.

Here is a snippet from the online version of the feature:


  1. What a beautiful call to arms and awareness you wrote for last Saturday's Globe. Although I knew the name, I had no knowledge of what PFRA was about. A revelation!

    Seems that the current government, maybe all governments, thrives in the shadows, like mould and mushrooms. The Christian calling is to light. Well done.

    Trevor McMonagle

  2. Congratulation on the article in the Globe and Mail last weekend. Well done. I am reading Grass, Sky, Song today and hoping for spring at my home on a quarter section in be Qu'Appelle Valley west of Lumsden. Maybe reading the book will bring it on!

  3. Thanks Myra--had a robin singing this morning out my window. Ravens are nesting in the upper reaches of the Legislative building. The birds know it is spring, but with this much snow it is a hard sell for us indoor critters. I imagine there is the odd bluebird out in the valley near where you are.
