Monday, June 17, 2013

Margaret Atwood on the Saskatchewan Community Pastures

This morning on CBC Radio Saskatchewan, Sheila Coles talked with Margaret Atwood (listen here) about the PFRA pastures she will be coming to visit next week along with other BirdLife International representatives on a fact-finding tour. By the end of the ten minute interview she is talking about how we all need to find manageable environmental causes to which we can lend our energies and time. Otherwise, we can feel quite helpless in the face of government failure and the many complex and compounding ecological problems besetting the world.

There are still a few tickets left for the banquet where Margaret, her partner Graeme and the other BirdLife guests will be honoured. Details here on the Facebook page for the event.

This young Loggerhead Shrike is one of many species who depend on the well-managed grasslands of our publicly-owned community pastures. We hope to see some on the tour June 24-27.

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