Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Community pastures make Question Period

During Question Period in Parliament last week, Edmonton M.P. Linda Duncan rose to ask a question of the Environment Minster, Leona Aglukkaq.

Here it is:

"Saskatchewan community pastures delivered a model partnership for over 80 years, sustaining small ranches and critical habitat for threatened species. Incredulously, the Conservative government responded by shutting them down. Farmers, conservationists, ranches and communities are demanding the government act to save the key pastures.

Will the Minister of the Environment commit today to intervene and establish a national wildlife area as a model for sustainable farming and wildlife protection?"

Click on the embedded Youtube at the top of this post to see the video of the question from MP Linda Duncan and the response from federal Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq.


  1. It is easy to create Marine Areas because none exist. It is easy to create new parks in the North because that is Crown land without competing uses/claims. It is easy to turn a provincial park into a national park (Rouge Urban Park, for example).

    It is much harder to protect something that needs protecting. That takes political will. Something that the Conservative Party has little of when it comes to the environment.

  2. Thanks for those astute comments, Andrea. Very true.
