Monday, April 18, 2016

Montana helps Alberta bolster its Sage-Grouse population

Alberta Lek
Greater Sage-Grouse on Lek this spring
Alberta may be struggling economically but the Province is following through on commitments to help get the Greater Sage-Grouse onto the road to recovery. The following comes directly from an Alberta government news release that came out today (be sure to check out the video below showing scenes from the capture and release): 
Alberta welcomes the addition of 38 sage-grouse hens from Montana, which is part of an effort to strengthen the province’s population.
The transfer involved a team of biologists from Alberta Environment and Parks and Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. The birds were captured in Montana and have been released at three mating sites in southeastern Alberta.
“Alberta is grateful to Montana for this international co-operation and the opportunity to share knowledge and resources that will give the sage-grouse an opportunity to thrive in our province. This initiative is vital to Alberta’s continued species-at-risk recovery efforts.” Shannon Phillips, Minister of Environment and Parks
“We are pleased to assist Alberta with their sage-grouse conservation work, especially given the trans-boundary nature of the species. We all benefit from rebuilding sage-grouse habitat and populations across their range.” Jeff Hagener, Director, Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
The sage-grouse will continue to be monitored with GPS transmitters to make sure they are adapting to their new surroundings and provide data on their movements, including breeding, nesting, and brood rearing.

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