Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Atwood Dinner June 27--please help spread the word

Margaret Atwood
Graeme Gibson (image courtesy of Dennis Minty)


You may have heard the exciting news that from June 24 to June 28, Margaret Atwood and Graeme Gibson, two of Canada’s most celebrated authors, will tour Saskatchewan’s southern grasslands in the company of other international conservation advocates. They will be hosted by Public Pastures - Public Interest and Nature Canada.

This is an educational tour. The group, all prominent figures in BirdLife International, a worldwide partnership of conservation organizations, is hoping to draw attention to the global significance of conservation programming and bird habitat at risk on federal PFRA community pastures now being transferred to Saskatchewan.

How you can help

I would like to ask that you help to promote the Prairie Passages fundraising dinner at the Radisson Plaza Hotel Saskatchewan in Regina on Thursday, June 27.

After dinner Atwood and Gibson will speak, reflecting on their visit to our grasslands and pastures, the birdlife and species at risk, and their own passion for conservation. There will be great images from the tour, music, and a chance to meet our international guests.

Here is how you can help:

  1. Circulate the handbill for the dinner (click here to download the pdf) to your contacts, organization members, and friends. Print it off and share it.
  2. Post the notice below in your newsletters and social media networks. Here is the link to the PPPI dinner announcement with details.
  3. Encourage your friends and colleagues to buy tickets or sponsor a corporate table.
  4. Call the Globe Theatre for a ticket for yourself and be a part of this event!
  5. Watch for more updates on the tour.
Our other tour guests are prominent in their own right. They are: Glenn Olson, National Audubon Society; Rob Clay, BirdLife International; Dr. Alberto Yanosky, from Paraguay, Southern Cone initiative and BirdLife International; and, Ian Davidson, Executive Director of Nature Canada.

Pictures suitable for the internet are shown at the top of this post. Please include the photo credit for Dennis Minty for Graeme Gibson’s photo.


Prairie Passages Dinner: An Evening with Margaret Atwood and Graeme Gibson
Radisson Plaza Hotel Saskatchewan in Regina, Regency Ballroom
Thursday, June 27, Cocktails at 6:30 P.M. Dinner at 7:30 P.M.

Join two of Canada’s most celebrated authors, conservationists, and prominent members of BirdLife International as they reflect on their passion for birds, wildlife, grasslands, and their recent travels in Saskatchewan. This is an educational event. The dinner is the highlight of the Prairie Passages tour with Atwood, Gibson, and other international guests from the conservation community. The purpose is draw attention to the global significance of conservation programming and bird habitat at risk on federal PFRA community pastures now being transferred to Saskatchewan.

Your MC will be Candace Savage, one of Saskatchewan’s most respected writers. Her most recent book, A Geography of Blood: Unearthing Memory from a Prairie Landscape, won the $60,000 Hilary Weston Writers’ Trust Prize for Nonfiction and the 2013 Saskatchewan Book of the Year Award.

This event is hosted by Public Pastures-Public Interest and Nature Canada. Visit the dinner webpage:

Tickets: $100, available at the Globe Theatre Box Office:

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