Sunday, May 5, 2013

Long awaited spring at Cherry Lake: a photo album

Hard winter for the mule deer. This one looked shaky on its legs as it moved over the hill
Yesterday, Karen and I made our first trip of the spring (the latest ever!) to see how the honeybees and wild creatures made it through the longest winter in decades.

no garter snakes above ground at the den but here is a shot of a shed from last fall

this spring's prescribed burn on our native grass hillsides

a big patch of juniper lends some colour to the scorched hillside

Our honeybees were gathering pollen from Pasque Flower (prairie crocus) blooms a quarter mile from their hives

In the creek, water near the beaver lodges open first

Birds for the day included Eastern Phoebes, a Broad-winged Hawk, Purple Finches and a pair of courting Northern Harriers. The male in this image was resting three fence posts from the female.

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